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 Post subject: WTA SL: Earthquake In The Mountains
PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:46 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:21 pm
Posts: 14
The following is a news real from 8am on Friday:
"A category 3 earthquake was registered today with the USGS along the Flatrock mountain ridge within Necropolis National Park in Necropolis County New Jersey. An investigation is currently under way by the National Park Service as this area has not shown Geological activity in over a thousand years. Unofficial reports are coming in of illegal fracking activity on public lands by Endron International. This station has made several phone calls to Endron's public office with no reply. As you can see from this aerial photograph of the mountainside..."

"This is no mine. Its a tomb" -Lord of the rings

The night before the above broadcast was made, Gideon Anders and Collin Timberclaws felt a strange otherworldly calling up into the mountainside of the National forest. They immediately when to investigate the umbral disturbance and after an 8 mile hike they encountered an extinguished forest fire that's source was from the mouth of a nearby cave.
When they returned to their pack Alpha they reported the following:
-The forest fire was caused intentionally to form a blight
-The cave was not a cave, but a tunnel dug by a huge creature.
-During the earthquake, the cave's mouth vomited forth an army of banes into the nearby area, forcing the 2 Garou to retreat before they were overcome.

Their noble Alpha, Travis Campbell, recognized two things (1) that an old evil had been stirred from it's slumber: A thunderwyrm. and (2) That a call should be issued for reinforcements to slay this creature.

4 messanger spirits were sent out by their totem, Firedrake, requesting aid form those loyal to Gaia.

If you play one of the following character types then there is a strong chance you have heard the call in the spirit world: Garou, Fera, and sympathetic namers.

This is a one-time OPEN SL that will be ST'd by TPO Travis Campbell and CO-ST'd by TPO Collin Timberclaws. If interested contact us via forum messages, Chat PM or by
replying to this post.

 Post subject: Re: WTA SL: Earthquake In The Mountains
PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:49 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:21 pm
Posts: 14
What is Endron?

What is a thunderwyrm?

 Post subject: Re: WTA SL: Earthquake In The Mountains
PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:04 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:21 pm
Posts: 14
The scene is done. The enemy is dead and fun was had. Thanks for a good time! Y'all are are awesome.

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