I didn't say anything about the other sects, my post was specifically to boost the intrigue of a Camarilla council. While I understand the argument of "There's always a bigger fish", I think it's imperative that the budding Camarilla be on a line so that there IS no pointing fingers and complaining. The best way to do that is to pare down to a mutually agreed on level of character.
My mention of this is due to the rampant dot-tossing I see constantly. Characters who were "embraced" decades ago with more dots on their sheets than the average methuselah. It imbalances the ability to create a storyline around a delicate balance of power.
The giovanni gang is their own thing and they interact, spiffy. I'm down with that and totally not pointing at any of youse guys (
) and saying "FIX YOURSELF". Far from it. This was aimed at creating a good structural base for the Camarilla. I did mention in my post saying "STFU and GTFO" which was more a statement of the tension that's supposed to surround the Camarilla interacting with "The Family". Sorry if that seemed mean, it wasn't supposed to be.
I'm usually on in the evenings, so feel free to PM me at your leisure.