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NWoD Zoo Game: Changing Breeds Vs. Uratha!
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Author:  ZedAlpha [ Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  NWoD Zoo Game: Changing Breeds Vs. Uratha!

ALright, peoplefolks, here's the latest idea I had for a game.

Somewhere in Florida is a smallish town with a famous zoo. Somewhere in the Zoo is a Node that attracts spirits from far and wide. People working in and going to the zoo sometimes get chosen by spirit animals who live there, becoming the Node's protectors. Lately, a few packs of werewolves have decided to temporarily put aside their differences to try and claim the Node in the zoo.

As the shapeshifters who defend the Node, the PCs mus put a stop to them.

There'll be more details on setting as I come up with them, but that's basically the premise. If anyone's interested, here's some ground rules:

  • You can make a were-anything, so long as it's an animal you can convince me would be in a zoo.
  • This doesn't mean you only have to make shifters whose totem animals are exhibits--you could make a were-dog, for example, whose totem is a stray who lives around there, or a were-squirrel whose totem lives in the trees in the picnic area. The possibilities abound.
  • No Uratha. You can play a werewolf, but it won't be one of the Forsaken or one of the Pure. Rather, the character will be granted the ability to turn into a wolf by a spirit-wolf.
  • Starting characters only, please.

I'd prefer to have an even balance of all of the Accords mentioned in the Changing Breeds book, but if you've got a good concept for a character, I'll accept it. This is most likely going to be a one-adventure story.

PM me, bug me in the Entryway, or send me a message on here if you're interested. Thanks for reading this!

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