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 Post subject: CthulhuTech
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:23 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:07 am
Posts: 7
Bobby Morganson's player has boldly volunteered to get a game going at some point. In order to harass him into speeding up his creative juices, we should start by making characters. As of this point, those interested that have finished characters are Meinberg and myself. We've also chalked up a few houserules right out, to make things simpler.

35 Attribute Points (+1 Agi for Nezzadi / +1 Any for Human)
Each attribute starts with a value of 1 in it, not 0.

20 Skillpoints (+2 if Human), 2 free specialties at Focused (1 dot).
6 Cheats.

Drawbacks and Assets that make sense - remember, certain Professions demand you take certain things - Tagers must take the 4 point Tager asset, as well as the 3 point Duty drawback, if not the Fanatic Drawback at some value as well.

This is a military-base themed game, though Mecha Piloting will also be a major part of things, so make sure to reserve a couple of points in Pilot, as well as (if you don't want to suck in a robot) some specialization, such as Fighting, Marksman, or Support Weapons.

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