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 Post subject: Welcome!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:33 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:30 pm
Posts: 49
Welcome to the unofficial White Wolf Unmoderated Chat! The goal of this place is simple: I want to give people a place to play the games how they want to play them. The philosophy of this place is to play as you wish, as long as that doesn't hinder someone else from playing how they wish.


We don't like drama here. Drama tends to come from a few things, in my opinion. First among those is miscommunication, or lack of communication. If someone does something that upsets you, talk to them about it like adults. If they say something you think is an insult, ask them about it -- it's often hard to hear someone's tone in text alone, and many of us tend to make assumptions. Another common cause of drama is immaturity. Don't talk behind people's backs about them. If there's someone you just cannot get along with, then don't make a big deal out of it. Play in other rooms, or otherwise avoid them. If you get in an argument with someone, argue the points, not the person. Realize that other people have play styles that are different than yours, and as long as they are having fun without interfering with other people's ability to have fun, then their play style is just as "good" as yours.

Also, do try to keep IC and OOC separate. Just because someone's character hates your character's guts, or tries to kill your character, doesn't mean you should be upset at the player. If you know something that's going on OOC that is detrimental to your character, don't try and look for excuses to find it out IC. If you know OOC (but not IC) that character X is a Supernatural Type Y and that her vulnerability is corndogs, it's a bit sketchy for your character to just happen to be carrying a corndog, you know?

Site Updates and Feedback

I am, by nature, a tinkerer. And since this site is my pet project, you can pretty constantly expect to see things being fixed to work better, or to have new functionality. And along those lines, if you see something that doesn't work right, or doesn't make sense, tell me using the Contact Me form! Feel free to do the same if you have any suggestions, complaints, or feedback in general.

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