I've requested to be apart of another chronicle, I've put together this character that I'm really interested in being, but if that doesn't happen quick enough to fulfill my impatient desires, then I'd be interested in running a chronicle for anyone else to pass the time.
I'm interested in strictly a VtR chronicle, mortals allowed.
My chronicle (I've been writing this thing for EVER) has a few tweaks to it.
STARTS in New York-Various CT cities, but has the capacity for lots of travel to other metropolices.
The Invictus and the Lancea Sanctum were never friends. They are directly oppossed to one another.
As a result, the Carithians and the Invictus have created a Kindred government, a neo-Camirilla, so they serve more as competeing political parties within the same government as oppossed to two seperate governments all together. (Think of it as the liberal wing and the conservative wing).
Circle of the Crone and Ordo Dracul are small minorities in North America
Lancea Sanctum does have control of certain areas, but are a minority compared to the Camirrilla.
Have some great story ideas, and since I've been working on this chronicle for so long (continued from when I used to play a few years ago), there are many characters that I've had the time to develop, histories, different paths to take which can lead a Kindred to other cities, etc.
Let me know. I'm an American, Eastern Time, but I'm somewhat flexibe. Not missing class, however. (got to get that degree)
Let me know.
AS OF NOW, my internet access is limited. Getting installation this week, so I might be somewhat late to reply, but that will change shortly.