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Viewing Daisy -Echo- Hanson

Sheet Type: Classic World of Darkness
Gender: Female
Age: 23

Daisy is ok with being average. She doesn't try to stand out, she tends to wear what's common this season, and she lives her life with little to no complications. She used to teach grade 1-5 art and music class at St. Paul's Private Academy, recently having a change of occupation she moved on to work for Pacific Trans Global.
She stands 5'5" tall, a lean fit figure that she takes good care of with regular visits to a local gym. Her hair is long dark brown and layed with long bangs that always seem to get in her face. Her eyes are startlingly light blue, icey, but full of light.  Her voice is soft and feminine,  but can be comanding when she needs to direct a room full of children at work.





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