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Viewing Kacia

Sheet Type: Classic World of Darkness
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Somewhere in every group there is always one like Kacia, the nameless beauty at the party, the intense eyes watching not the performance but the performer, or the veteran who’s thousand yard stare colors every moment with ghosts of past experience. They are the ones who see with that certain clarity and accuracy only afforded by stepping back and viewing the problems from a distance. Those who’s burning cold eyes can strip away the bluff, the posturing, and the act, leaving only the raw, naked truth.

Kacia is the watcher. Her voice, soft and smooth as mulled wine, is rarely heard for few are better listeners. Hours might pass in conversation with this cooly composed woman with barely a mention of a name from her. Intelligent, dark eyes reflect a keen interest in the human condition and seem to stare out at the world with the fascinated gaze of a vacationing foreigner. Not even the most mundane detail seems to escape her rapt attention. Perhaps it is no wonder then that a woman so interested in others can hardly find time or inclination to talk about herself.

In mannerism, 'Less is More' truly seems to be her mantra for life. She speaks very little of herself and keeps what she does say direct and to the point. There is economy to her movements as well, for she does not pace, or fidget but neither does she rest or hesitate. Instead she waits, as though with the eternal patience of the Earth before a quake. When stirred to action the movements she does make are performed with a grace and familiar dexterity that can only come from long years of training.

Physically she is young and fit, with long dark hair often pulled back from her face in a braid. Deep brown eyes contrast well with light olive toned skin and somewhat angular features match the sharp lines of a tall and lean body. In dress she is moderately conservative, tending towards the long time-tested standards of dark greys and blacks that are the mainstay of those who live life in the shadowy streets of Necropolis after sunset.



OOC Notes:
- Kacia is a dangerous character. However, I much prefer roleplay to roll-play and am perfectly happy scripting out a scene in a dramatic and exciting way rather than getting bogged down in combat.
- If things get to be too much or the scene is going a way you'd rather it didn't just PM me, I'm happy to adjust or hand-wave as needed to keep things fun.
- I generally don't cyber bu mature content is fine. I'm here for a good story.


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