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Viewing Yushiro

Sheet Type: Classic World of Darkness
Gender: Female
Age: 23

Yushiro or Yushi is a divorced mother with a son Gabriel Briggs now out on his own and her youngest daughter Kira DonovanGabriel being the son of Jason Briggs. And her Ex husband being Drew Edson. (Actual Age: 70 Dhampir, Humanity 7) 

Yushiro made her living as an entertainer, Thou fame is short lived due to her condition, leaveing her to a rather limited growth. After a mere fifthteen years, she only ages three at best, this has forced her change locations, jobs and styles.

Relocating her son from his schools, which oddly he seems fine with due to his love of travel and learning. He also has the dream to be a private eye like his father Jason, he even has his silver coin roll down to make it coast his fingers trying to mimic him. Gabriel can be a little eccentric at time. Not all guys fawn over jewelery, babbles and "shineys" as he refers to them as. Gabrial at age 10 blessed with his fathers looks and her mothers song bird talent. Age 15 Current age Gab is 29 years old and following in his fathers footsteps, leaving the nest to go out on his own with Cillian on his tour, feeding his desire to travel, learn, and grow perhaps with some of his own. 

Gabriel Briggs

GabrielRelated imageAdult

Kira Donovan is Yushi youngest daughter 9 years old born Sept 13 of 2015. Her father Cillian Donovan band is touring. (More coming as she gets older and her personality develops, Mortal)


KiraKira age 6adult


Short black/brown hair, brown eyes, pale skined, of asian/American decent standing about 4'7". Wares knee high leather heeled boots, often in a short skirts from jean fabric to polyester, and tops tend to be form fitted and V-necked styles. 


(Some ooc infor)

Why play a Dhampir? For one all a Dhampir really is a Mortal with some bad blood. They don't even realize what they are. They grow up like any mortal would till puberty then time seems to slow down for them, their unknown nature wakes up, they have a beast like a kindred only it more emotional then blood thursty This also makes them prone to outbursts.

Arn't you tainted? Yes and no. Sure a mortal is tainted all of them are to a degree with where they have been, what they have eaten, and every day runs with taint. So long as a Dhampir has humanity 7 it works much like kindreds who are not considered Wyrm-tainted. It hides the fact they are wyrm tainted till it drops to 6 or lower and they show some psychological breakdown or corruption.

Your a ghoul so you must be tainted? Still no unless a ghoul has a full Blood bond of 3 There is only a slight increase in the tain level. It not untill a ghoul has a fill Blood Bond that one would notice the a higher Taint than normal, indicating some outside influence. Umbrally, they might begin to draw the attention of Blood banes as a Vampire.

Can I detect this? There no different aura for a mortal then a dhampir, their blood isnot even different, so a vampire could also never really tell either. So long as their humanity is up it does not show any different then you would if you scanned a mortal with sence wyrm. It only when their humanity falls below 6 that any dhampir will show as a highesr wyrm taint but again... so would a mortals is theirs dropped.


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