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Viewing Rishna Khan

Sheet Type: Classic World of Darkness
Gender: Female
Age: 24

A pair of soft eyes, a gentle smile, and a curiosity that often gets her into trouble. That was Rishna. Nearly always seen in bright colors, be they dresses, shirts or sahris, Rishna could be commonly seen around the NU campus or exploring the city / surrounding countryside. Rishna is currently in the United States studying for a masters in Film and Media. For those with more than a passing interest in eastern cinema, they might just recognise Rishna as Rishna Khan, the promising Bollywood actress and dancer. 

Rishna got some extra media attention two years ago when she verbally lost her shit over Twitter about sexism in modern Indian cinema. She's been outspoken on the topic of womens' rights since and has got quite a following on social media. She regularly posts on instagram, and has around 3,000 followers on facebook. Is any of that important? Well in this day and age, if you're not making waves, you're just dead in the water.

It's not just sex though that's a social issue for Rishna. It's caste, too. She's a Khan, born into a rich blue-blooded family near Mumbai. Rishna had never wanted for anything, but had so often bucked against her dad's conservative values. He's come around to the idea of her public life now, however, especially her decision to study film and become a director. 

Being a Khan has given Rishna some backlash, though. Her social media posts and blogs about injustice against women have occasionally sparked hate from those railing against the caste system in India, accusing her of being part of the ancient hierarchy. Again, this is only really pertinent to those who give a shit about social media, but for Indian female millennials like Rishna, its quite a big deal actually. 

This isn't to say Rishna is some rabid social justice warrior. She has a quirky sense of humor, enjoys slamming the odd shot, and you should see her on the dance floor (she is classically trained after all). She's fun loving and can certainly take a joke - she just won't take any shit.

That's about it, really. If there's anything else you want to know, drop me a PM, or better yet - Find out IC! :)


So imagine her parents' horror when they find out about Rishna's girlfriend, the gorgeous and sweet Madelyn Bainbridge!


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