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Viewing Aeryn Mythern

Character Type: Classic World of Darkness
Name: Aeryn Mythern
Gender: Female
Apparent Age: 29
Actual Age: 25
Character Type: Werewolf
Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Legacies: Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: House: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Confidant
Clan: Tribe: Tribe/Type: Tradition: Society: Kith: Primary Virtue: House: Guild: Auspice: Children of GaiaKinfolk
Essence: Numina: Generation: Breed:
Former Tribe:
Seeming: Starting Conviction: Faction: Faction: Breed:
Dynamic     Sire: Homid     Auspice:     Auspice: Former Tribe: 1
Concept: Tattoo Artist/Tattoo Model/Artist/Fashion designer/ Mother/Mate

App 4 - Captivating. Dex 4 - Steady Hand. Crafts 5 - Tattoo (fine line/color/tribal) Sketching (detailed)




Current News...

Big News!

Caught up in recent terror attacks in the city, Aeryn ended up giving birth to her daughter during an emergency dash to the hospital. Dovey Mythern was born September 19th, a few weeks earlier than expected but weighing a healthy 96oz. Mother and baby are doing well. 

Aeryn has been appearing as a guest judge on other shows, mostly alternative, though she made an appearance on Project Runway designing tattoo's on the models that complimented the contestants outfits.She is guest judging on a show in its 10th season, Special FX Crew, where teams compete to create the best special effects makeup.


baby face!



 Dovey Mythern

Born 19th September 2019


Devon and Draven Mythern. Born Nov 1st 2016


Their big sister, Aurora -Rory-. Born 23rd March 2013


Daine Mythern - Husband, Mate, Father, Protector, Philodox, Glass walker










Hot, Aeryn might be the mother of three children, but her curves look amazing on her.  Her hair, long and mohogany brown with a glossy gleam to it, matches her deep dark eyes. Her smile, enigmatic and friendly, it is easy to see why she is a favourite on the tv. Her body is covered with her impressive ink, though she knows how to dress it to show off the artwork when she wants to. The only jewellery she wears regularly is a canary yellow diamond ring on her left hand. She can relax in jeans, or look smoking hot in dresses and heels that have a vintage rockabilly look about them. (app 4 - stunning)

Aeryns tattoos are numerous. Some very significant to her. On her back and and both arms are an intricate design of flowers which have been done with precision that no black was used to the outline, at first glance it might appear they are real flowers. Her legs, the left, has a woven trail of ivy going from ankle to hip and higher. The right leg has a hibiscus arrangement on her thigh. On her left ankle is a small lightening bolt, and a white rose in a traditional style with the name Glacier under it.

Ink Master!

Currently in its third season airing on tv, Aeryn is a judge on the show. 10 tattoo artists competing to be titled, Ink Master. Shown at 11pm every thursday on syfy channel. Repeats through the week.

Season 1 Ink Master 2016

Episode 1 Season 3

12 contestants enter the contest, being introduced to the viewers. Their first task is to show off their specialities. Each one working hard to show exactly what they can do. A mixture of young and old, one particular young tattoo artist seemed to bring out the worst in the 3 oldest artists after insulting one of their works, it almost lead to violence until the clash was interrupted by two other artists in the group. This weeks looser was Sammi Jay, who's tattoo of a rose failed to impress the judges for being flat and uninspiring, with shading that seemed to cause the center to meld into its petals. She packed up her guns and left the competition.

Episode 2 Season 3

11 contestants remaining. The camera;s tell a little more of the stories of 4 of the contestants, showing their home town, shops and families. While in the studio, the tasks continue. This week, they are challenged to do the most basic of tattooing skills, Lettering. Something all tattoo artists begin with. Randomly picked from a hat, the style of lettering is picked, and each get to show what they can do on their clients. Sadly Jerome was not up to par, maybe it was the fact he was one of the oldest there, and had forgotten his apprentice days. His old english lettering had a number of blowouts and the lines were just not perfect. He packed up his guns and left the competition.

Episode 3 Season 3

This episode saw the contestants challenged by their mentors. They had to replicate one of their Mentors favourite tattoo's but in the style they were nominated in. Sarah and Thomas hit it right on the nose.. but Big G and Harry were the worst. Their designs  full of lines that had been worked over to much making them thicker and darker. It was only the fact Big G managed to pull off the colouring on the tattoo design that saved him this round. Harry left packing his guns, and leaving a rather nasty message on the wall.


2019 she has been attached as a guest at 3 conventions through april to july.

Glyph's Tattoo Shop


Dexterity (4): Steady Hands | Craft (5) (Tattooing): Fine Line work - Detailed | Appearance (4) : Captivating |

Equipment Carried

Wallet with approx $40 and bank cards, Small sketchpad and mechanical pencil. Keys to apartment, car and shop. Hybrid toyota. Long Whisperer Talen x3. Kids bags with necessary items, cellphone.


Fame 4

Tattoo artist on the circuit for  10 years.

Within the last 5 years.

•began her own line of tattoo designed tshirts and skateboards

•Spread in  Tattoo Magazine top 10 women of ink 4 years running

•spread in Playboy magazine 2014

•Tshirt brand went national 2014

•Regular on the circuit, doing 8 conventions minimum a year

•Appeared in multiple tattooing tv shows, nationally and internationally.

•Her paintings have been sold for charities and displayed in galleries.

Its official. Aeryn married Daine in a beautiful and very private ceremony febuary 11th 2017. Pictures will be shown in a few publications selected by the bride and groom. All proceeds from the sale of the pictures going to Womens Aid Refuge.

•Aeryn was now in the 3rd season of the show Ink Master as a Judge and Master Tattoo Artist. She guest judged on Drag Queens (modelling show for transvestites)

(OOC -Aeryn was made in 2010 on IV and transferred here 2016)



Physical   Social   Mental
Strength   Charisma   Perception
Dexterity   Manipulation   Intelligence
Stamina   Appearance   Wits


Talents   Skills   Knowledges
Alertness   Animal Ken   Academics
Athletics   Crafts   Computer
Awareness   Drive   Cosmology
Brawl   Etiquette   Enigmas
Dodge   Firearms   Investigation
Expression   Meditation   Law
Empathy   Melee   Linguistics
Intimidation   Performance   Medicine
Leadership   Stealth   Occult
Streetwise   Survival   Science
Subterfuge   Technology      




Fame (tattoo artist, tv personlity)
Reputation (Garou)


Aptitude Ability [1pt][Tattooing]
Recognise Garou [2pt]
Good Ol Girl [2pt]
Gnosis [7pt]


Phobia[1pt] [heights]

Secondary Traits

Humanity / Path



Blood Pool


Secondary Traits






Secondary Traits






Secondary Traits


Correspondence: Life: Prime:
Entropy: Mind: Spirit:
Forces: Matter: Time:





Secondary Traits





Secondary Traits







Secondary Traits

Secondary Traits





Secondary Traits


First Renown
Second Renown
Third Renown





Secondary Traits




Secondary Traits




Equipment and Other Notes


Aeryn family were not the same as others. She had always known this. Aside from the supernatural side ofcourse, her family were artists. Always had been. She grew up in Ohio with her mother, father, and her grandmother. She didnt question why she only met her grandfather only on rare occaisions. That reason was revealed when she was older.

Now in the semi backwaters of Ohio, outside of Cleveland. Aeryns father was a tattoo artist. He had two shops, one was more for public use, and he had a few employees there. She spent alot of time in that one after school. But the second was just off their home. An old farmhouse from the 1800's which had been handed down his family. Her mother was from california. A blonde hair blue eyed babe who still looked incrediably good approaching 50.

The main tattoo parlor was interesting enough but those that were invited into the one on the property was much more interesting. When she was little, they scared her, the patrons, some didnt even look scary but she felt it anyway. It lessened as she got older, and learned to recognise what and who they were.

Now you have likely figured, the home shop was where those of the tribe her family belonged to and others came. In the private property with land around it, it was the safest place for her father to work. Garou were not particularly good for business. And shops were expensive to refit.

Aeryns childhood had been a happy one. Surprisingly. She was surrounded by people who loved her, took care of her and allowed her to blossom. Her skills manefested young. She was always drawing. She did her first tattoo aged 5 on her fathers leg, with his help. A squiggly lined smiley face he showed off to everyone who came into his shop. He was very proud of his daughter.

When she was 15, she did some tattooing, but it was on her schoolfriends. She got caught and she knew her parents were very disappointed in her. But after seeing her ability, her father had a soloution. If she wanted to do tattoo's, she would become him apprentice, but had to finish college in the mean time. Which she did.

She apprenticed to him for 5 years, after 2 she was as skilled as her father, and remained in the shop to  work with him. He taught her not only to work on the meer mortals that walked through the door, but how to recognise and work on the tougher customers that claimed kinship. In Ohio her reputation grew. Her father was impressed many even asked for her. It made her so proud.

Desire to go out into the world and do it herself was strong. And after 5 years she felt it was time to go out and start her own legacy. She moved to Washington state, and took over a tattoo shop there. Close to a sept. It wasnt long before her reputation grew there to and most of the members of said sacred ground sported ink done by her fair hand on their bodies.

Able to keep her werewolf life and her mundane life separate, though it did sometimes get hard. Aeryn's career took off quickly. She toured the conventions, made her name nationally to those in the know in the ink world. Appeared on numerous of the tattoo shows that every station seemed to sport now.

As her fame grew, tv appearances, magazines, she even did a tasteful spread in a 'mens' magazine showing off her fine form and the incrediable tattoos that decorated her skin. She appeared as one of the top 5 women in the industry, won numerous awards, all displayed proudly in her shop.

Her home was also welcome to all who needed a place, garou and kinfolk. Her sofa rarely lacked a body on it. A love affair, secret mind you, developing a relationship with a garou, not of her tribe. The fenrir and her fell in love. She caught the eye of a member of her own tribe though, and through the elder, they mated, it was an interesting experience. He was part of a travelling pack, and their two nights were spent talking mostly, and drinking, before a drunken fumble before he left. He was gay, and wanted a child for his legacy. She didnt hear off him again.

When she got home after that night, the fenrir, her love, could smell the other garou on her body, and the animal need to imprint himself on her overwhelmed him. She never knew which fathered her child. The fenrir and the child of gaia were gone days later. The Fenrir ashamed by his actions, how close he came to hurting her. Left. When she found out she was pregnant, she had no way of contacting him.

She ended up giving birth alone. Her best friend, a lupus born male who she grew to rely on, was there after, and loved her daughter as if she was his own, facinated by the way homid babies were. He died shortly after the Baptism of Fire ceremony he performed on the tot.

In her grief, she was alone when she met the man she married. He was a Theurge, formerly a biker, and a mechanic. Their attraction was instant. But it was weeks before he even had the courage to kiss her. They married quickly. But only weeks after the wedding, he was lost to her as well. He died with his pack fighting to protect the sept from a spiral attack.

4 months after his death, and loosing the child he had given her before his death, she decided she couldnt stay there any longer, Pulling strings, she sold her shop and home, sold her mates mechanics business, though kept his harley, and moved her and her small daughter to start over again.



Equipment Home

Carved chest w/ special tattooing equipment, regular mobile tattoo equipment.  Shortbow [4L. Range :60. Rate:1. Clip:1] Glock.


Ally: Paul Berry, 28. A tattoo artist: GW Kin Ally: Harmony Jones, 47. Nanny: CoG Kin. Sebastian Matthews. 52. Father, CoG kin.


Mitch Anderson. Mortal. Tattoo Magazine Editor.

Charles Mason. Accountant.


Info for player


[ 1 ]   Dona Nobis Pacem 

The Kinfolk is able to maintain an aura of peace over herself and anyone she touches.

System: The Kinfolk can use this Gift only once per scene, and must expend one Willpower point for the effect to manifest. Humans in her immediate vicinity must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 8, to begin or continue any sort of argument or violence for the remainder of the scene. Garou so touched are at +2 difficulty to frenzy for the remainder of the scene. A unicorn-spirit or dove-spirit teaches this Gift.


Jam Technology

Rank 2 Homid Gift / Rank 2 Glass Walker Gift

The werewolf can cause technological devices to cease functioning, albeit temporarily. Even the simplest of shaped objects will refuse to perform its function. A Gremlin — a type of Wyld-spirit that enjoys breaking things — teaches this Gift

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts. The werewolf may choose the level of complexity she inteds to “jam.” All technological devices (i.e., any devices shaped from fabricated materials like metal or plastic) of that compledity within 50 feet cease functioning for one turn per success. The devices remain unchanged but inert. Knives won’t cut, gunpowder won’t ignite, gears won’t turn and so on. The difficulty of the roll is based on the following chart:



XP. x1x2x3x

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