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Viewing Casse Faolan

Character Type: New World of Darkness
Name: Casse Faolan
Gender: Female
Age: 30s
Character Type: Werewolf
Virtue: (Blood) Challenger
Vice: (Bone) Lone Wolf
Clan: Tribe: Order: Seeming: Lineage: Hunters in Darkness
Path: Covenant: Auspice: Court: Refinement: Acanthus Carthian Movement Rahu Spring Aurum
Concept: Complicated Tattooist






“More and more, it feels like I'm doing a really bad impersonation of myself.”

- Chuck Palahniuk


She's Got A Reputation That She Didn't Ask For

A local and owner of the local tattoo shop Cherry Bomb Studios, Casse has gotten a bit of a reputation as a no-nonsense, tough as nails kind of a girl; though she might end up laid out on the floor, she not typically one to back down from a fight.



› Rumors

Cherry Bomb Studios (All) - "That place is run by a FREAK." Casse is the owner of one of the few local tattoo and piercing shops. She's not the best around but she's decent, clean and runs and honest business. Lookin' for some ink or a stab?

Burn Her At the Stake!(Mortals) - "She's a witch!" "Gypsy!" "I heard she can control the wolves!" "Shh, here she comes!" Though a local, Casse grew up on the outskirts of town and it wasn't uncommon to find her loitering around gypsy camps in the rural regions surrounding the city.

Wolf Like Me (Werewolves & Wolfblooded) - "That's the one that wasn't supposed to be a wolf." "The Lunes accept her, but there has to be a dark secret she used to trick her way into Luna's good graces... I'll find it eventually." It's no secret to the initiated that Casse was born with a sister pelt and another sister living in shadow. At birth, Luna had split her into three separate entities: mortal, wolf and spirit. There was no clear path to her becoming one of the People, but somehow she found a way.



› Description

Casse is a woman around average height (5'8) with a normal to athletic build. Crazed black hair is messed over a pale white face that sometimes adorns piercings; blue eyes peering through a mess of smeared black makeup, displaying a haunted mess of turmoil and despair. - Her lips are usually painted red, though she could use another coat.



Notable Scents:




Green Soap





Casse could have been a twin. Nay, should have been, but the moon had other plans for her sibling. She is still a twin, mind, but not exactly in the conventional sense of the word. What slipped free of her mother's womb after her was not a child, or even really a human being. No, it was the pelt of a wolf.

Her mother was Uratha, her father a wolf-blooded. And the only reason the strange nature of Casse's twin was never reported, was because her mother gave birth while being tended to bey her brethren, knowing full well the potential anomalies that could result from werewolf labor.

Casse was fortunate enough to be taught all she needed to know about her nature from an early age, so she is far from ignorant of the Uratha and the many threats they face. However, she was also sheltered from such dangers,so it wasn't until she was the age of six that she first encountered one of the spirit claimed.

He was a janitor at the school she attended, already a creepy fellow before a spirit of fear latched onto his soul so that it could reap a bountiful harvest from the terror of the children that beheld him. Casse was one such victim, stalked through the halls of the school and feeling like there was no one but herself and the janitor within the school's walls.

She forgot that it was anything supernatural, chalking it up to a would be pedophile that scared the shit out of her. But her mother new better. Suffice it to say, when her pack caught wind of what happened, the janitor was soon fired for mental instability not long after, scarred from having the entity forcefully removed from him by the pack of Casse's mother.

Despite being relatively sheltered from werewolf business, she still had to take care of her sibling pelt, and would often run with her mother and the rest of the pack while wearing the skin, taking on the form of a wolf. Despite the pelt's existence as something barely living, Casse cared for it dearly, taking care of it's other needs as well as letting it run free through being worn by her.

When she started to enter her teens, she started to draw the attention of other Uratha who were not of her pack. Schoolmates, rebellious teens that thought they were too cool for school on account of their nature, and others, found that she was easy prey for bullying. They called her a poser, who had to fake being a werewolf by wearing the skin of a "stillborn welp", that insult alone being the source of much of her anguish at the time.

Things took a darker turn when that bullying was mixed with the interest of pubescent werewolf males, who thought they had less to worry about in the way of consequences, when they had the power to take whatever they wanted. And what a particular pair of teenage Uratha took was Casse, when she was barely into the teens herself.

That particular event scarred her, but not as badly as the two boys were scarred when Casse's mother found out about the event and found them, still wearing her daughter's scent upon them. After that, Casse found herself violently opposed to male attention, feeling like guys, werewolf guys especially, were only after one thing.

Over the years since the rape, she took up training under her mother, and just through experience on the streets, becoming a better fighter so that she could never become a victim again. She got into tattoos, piercings, whatever could allow her to channel the sensation of feeling pain into something more creative. Something for herself.

Casse had opened up her own tattoo and piercing parlor by the time she was in her early twenties, mostly running it all on her lonesome due to not really having the funds to take on additional staff. She wasn't the best in town, which was probably why she didn't make a great deal of money. But she kept it up due to her passion for it, not because she was particularly good at it.

When a mortal customer who had his eye on Casse was spurned by the tattooist, he took the low road and decided to vandalize her shop. Of course, Casse didn't take too kindly to having "Rug Munching Cock Tease" spray painted across the front of her tattoo parlor, and after putting on her sibling pelt, she tracked the man down as a wolf and mauled him terribly.

Even though the man survived, he didn't come away from the encounter with all of his digits in place, and Casse actually felt guilty for using her more bestial side to punish what could be considered a minor slight. But it's not like it was traced back to her by mortal authorities, so that was a plus.

It was while Casse was in her mid twenties when she was first approached by the mysterious gypsy woman known as Claire Voyant, a Romani Cahalith Bone Shadow who often played the part of your classic Gypsy fortune teller. She wanted a tattoo, first and foremost, but she also wanted to help Casse.

After revealing to Casse that she was one of the people, Claire managed to learn of Casse's tell and her anguish at not being able to be with her sister in the same way others enjoyed the company of their siblings. Casse also wished to become one of the Forsaken, so that she no longer had to rely upon her sibling pelt.

The catch was, if Casse were to actually first change, then she would no longer be able to wear her twin's pelt to take on the shape of a wolf, which would eventually madden the poor thing, over time. Claire was knowledgeable in a wide variety of werewolf lore, be it the lore of the Forsaken, or the various myths and legends that have been part of mortal history for centuries.

Knowing a thing or two about wolf-blooded, Claire suggested that maybe there is another part of her sister, a part that she needs to become whole. Casse figured that was pretty obvious, given as her sibling was nothing more than the pelt of the wolf. Claire elaborated on what she meant, explaining that werewolves are part spirit, and maybe the pelt was the physical half, while her spirit half remained in the shadow as a human from birth.

To reunite the two, she would need to first change. But she must first discover the spirit half of her twin, to strengthen the bond between the two of them, and taking a pilgrimage into the wilderness. Casse was also to drink water from the footprint of a werewolf, in the hopes that she could gain Luna's favor and be allowed to see her twin.

So, on the night of the new moon, Casse went into the forest to seek the footprint of a werewolf. She found a massive one, which seemed fairly fresh. But the curious thing was it was the last in a set of tracks which seemed to indicate the wolf that had left them had vanished into thin air. As Casse drank water from the print, poured from a flask she carried with her, she found there was something rather odd about her reflection.

Her reflection in the paw print seemed to look the spitting image of her, except naked, and without tattoos. And the weirdest part, was she seemed to be looking back at Casse with a sense of both familiarity, and confusion. And then, Casse felt it. The strange paralyzing sensation of reaching, a talent innate to the Forsaken.

Casse's twin was thrust into the physical realm in her place, while she roamed the alien and shadowy world of the Hisil. It was there that she met Claire, who had been the wolf that had left the prints leading to the locus which had dragged Casse into the spirit realm. There, Claire explained that Casse wasn't in fact a twin, but a triplet.

When she was born, the elements that would later make her one of the Uratha were scattered across the physical realm and the shadow realm. She is her human side, the pelt is the wolf in her blood, and the shadow twin is her spirit side. Only by discovering the third part of her could she work towards joining with each part of herself to become whole, and finally Uratha.

(More to come!)







Mental   Physical   Social
Intelligence   Strength   Presence
Wits   Dexterity   Manipulation
Resolve   Stamina   Composure


Mental   Physical   Social
Academics   Athletics   Animal Ken
Computer   Brawl   Empathy
Crafts   Drive   Expression
Investigation   Firearms   Intimidation
Medicine   Larceny   Persuasion
Occult   Stealth   Socialize
Politics   Survival   Streetwise
Science   Weaponry   Subterfuge




Street Fighting
Professional Training (Artist)[9again]
Contacts (Street)[Prof. Training]
Contacts (Gypsies)[Prof. Training]
Dedicated Locus
Safe Place
Relentless Assault (pg 109)
Efficient Killer (pg 108)




Blood Potency




Primal Urge














Seeming Blessing

Seeming Curse








Other Advantages

Condition: Persisitant- Family Ties (+1 bonus when working together, beat if the bond causes her trouble with other woofbloods or uratha, can use resistance+ power stat of the other player to resist supernatural powers)

Defense: 4
Initiative Mod: 6
Size: 5
Speed: 11

Equipment and Other Notes


TOUCHSTONES: (Physical) Tattoo shop/employees. (Spiritual) The Locus


Crafts- Tattoos, Medicine- Piercings, Occult- Werewolves, Brawl- Biting


Professional Training (Artist) Asset Skills: Crafts, Expression Contacts (Street)- 1 (Prof. training) Contacts (Gypsies)- 1 (Prof. training)




Tools (High quality tattoo equipment/needles): +2

Point of reference (rough drafts[tattoo only]): +1

Quality materials (ink/jewelry): +2

Well equip work place (studio, osha approved workplace, gloves/sanitary yadda yadda): +2



 "I will continue to maintain the balance between the physical and spirit world. Keeping humans and spirits in their place in the name of mother Luna."

"I will always try to remain righteous in my judgements; harming and helping those who deserve it."

"I will fight until I've died or all my enemies are allies; while I have breath and fight left in me." 

"I will learn more of my people and my history and help those who don't know, those deserving learn and help us toward our cause of upholding Father Wolf's duties."

"I won't leave him, ever. He's mine and he's part of me and I won't ever forsake him. Ever.


Revolver, lt - Dmg: 1 Ranges: 20/40/80 Clip: 6 Initiative: 0 Strength: 2 Size: 1 Availability: ••

Rifle - Dmg: 4 Ranges: 200/400/800 Clip: 5+1 Initiative: −5 Strength: 2 Size: 3 Availability: ••

Scope: +1

Cestus - +1


Black '68 GTO (muscle car) - handling +3



Starting Experience Spends: (2xp) Crafts 2 (2xp) Med 2 (3xp)Tell 3 (shadow twin)

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