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Viewing Denna Rose

Sheet Type: Classic World of Darkness
Gender: Female
Age: 20s

How does her story start? It starts coughing and gagging - fighting to breath. Except Denna's story doesn't start with her birth. It starts with her rebirth. It starts alone in a hospital bed - as a Jane Doe. Confused she woke with a breathing tube down her throat. No one at her bed side, only alarms bringing people to her side. After all, no one expected her regain consciousnesses. 

Her family, her conception? Well that occurred in a car like many other people. Except this car was a tangled mess on a road leading upstate. The part no one quiet understood though, she was buckled into the passenger seat - no driver was never found, nor was there ever a sign of the driver.

According to her medical files, Denna was just under five feet even, and barely weight more than 90lb. Her eyes had a heterochromatic swirl of blue and green, while her hair was a golden-brown. Though her hair didn't start to grow in until about 40 days into her comma. Hair that covers a couple of scars from where her skull had been cracked open in the wreck. Her eyes, when she is not wearing makeup are often underlined by bags as if she has not slept, a faint hint of coffee always seems to linger slightly about her like she has just had a cup or two. Even when she has not had coffee her eyes are always on the move as if she is watching for something. 

As for style, well how do you a a style when you don't know what you like? How do you know what you feel comfortable in. Well, she has worked out she likes covering the dark bugs under eyes if not just to shut people up about her looking tired. She isn't sure if bothered her more when strangers commented or when professionals commented. 

In the early mornings early April, a bystander reported seeing a car burning on the highway just north of the city. First responders came to the see to find a flipped car in the twisted wreckage they found a girl half-dead strapped into the passenger seat. She barely made the trip back to the hospital, her body badly broken - a punctured lung, a shattered femur, and spinal damage. The doctors, the nurses, no one expected her to walk again, much less ever wake from her coma. She defied expectations living that night; defied expectations waking; defied expectations walking again. Once she woke she began to heal remarkably quickly. 

Currently, she still is a day patient at the hospital under care of the state. Currently still going through her rehab - her daily tortures. And yet through it all she bears a grin and keeps pushing on. She wants to get out into the world, but she has no idea how old she is exactly, who her family is, why no one has come looking for her. She didn't even know her own name. Denna was one she picked herself. 

She knows the day is coming that the state will no longer care for her and send her out in the world. The world she doesn't know. But for now, she is trying to take it one step at a time. Using her time when she is not in physio trying to figure out what she enjoys; trying to find herself.

Having been given a new identity (of her own choice) and social security number plus a few dollars, she was cut lose and released rom the hospital. Now she is trying to find her way in the world.

Age: 20s (unknown)
DoB: Unknown
Height: ~5' 
Weight: 90.5lb
Hair: Golden brown
Eyes: Blue-Green
Distinguishing marks: scars (1 head - hidden under hair; 1 along right side; several on right leg), no tattoos, no piercings (not even ears)
Venue: Mortal? With numina (psyhic paths)
Willpower: 5
Appearance: 3
PB: 0
Resonance: 1 Static (patterned); 1 dynamic (scrambled)
Merits: Catlike balance; Double jointed
Flaws: Potent blood; nightmares


  • Rehabilitation - Looking for anyone who plays medical (physio, doctors, psychologists) interested in her story for plots
  • Finding herself - When she takes her day time trips from the hospital she is looking to figure out what she enjoys so I will gladly look for various plots and scenes related to this subject
  • Questions that need answers - Denna has questions and is looking to speak with anyone in law enforcement who might help her find some answers



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