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Kylie-Anne Beth Pritchard, Esq. she/her Born: August 29th, 1998
Kylie has bleached blonde hair that is literally always showing its brunette roots, and a chipper disposition, often bordering on goofy, and at times, quite annoying, though her laugh is as infectious as it is occasionally inappropriate. She wears whatever clothes she grabbed out of the dresser that morning; some very few events call for dressing nicely (such as meetings with Fae nobles or snooty Mortal customers), and in those cases, she makes sure to be extra inappropriate to make up for having to look like a fucking doll.
To that end, Kylie pays the rent by working at a tech shop called "eData Solutions", a name she openly mocks during work hours every day. She works in the back, repairing broken hardware and performing the occasional IT miracles (though the latter part isn't her job, her bosses just don't know shit about networks). She bitches and whines about her job daily, but the truth is she absolutely loves it, and her manager shows his appreciation by giving occasional raises (and plenty of isolation).
Seeing no reason to make things overly complicated, her job for the Fae is essentially the same: give her broken shit, and she'll make it ... not be broken. After flying across country to get away from her family and her mortal life (more on that below), she met up with Lady Bannaugh from House Danaan, who hired her for some freelance data entry work. Basically, Danaan Sidhe have even less of a grasp on the mortal world than non-Danaan Sidhe*, and Kylie's resume spoke for itself.
One job led to another, and she went from steady employment to an official title: Esquire. She chose it herself; Lady Bannaugh initially insisted she take the title of Squiress, but Kylie assured her "well that's never gonna fuckin' happen". The Title ceremony was short and sweet, for the best interest of everybody involved, and while Kylie's relationship with higher nobility is rocky at times, she's a trusted and respected asset of House Danaan, and below her cynical exterior, she genuinely believes in them and their goals of reaching across Court aisles and finding peace among the Banality of the mortal realm, and the chaos of the Fae realms..
The story of Kylie's life before her chrysalis isn't something she likes to tell, and there are many reasons for that. First and foremost, it was boring; while she exhibited many tell-tale traits and talents that most Nockers do in their young mortal lives, that doesn't always make for adventures and treasure. In fact, Kylie was a class clown who excelled at Electronics and Woodworking, and often got in trouble for telling teachers to "kindly go fuck yourself, I'm working".
All right, that part she does like to talk about.
But second, and perhaps more annoying, members of House Danaan find details of their lives slipping out of their mind over the years, and while she may not be a "native" member of the house, her memory has been affected all the same. When she was a senior in high school, she failed her final Woodworking project because she couldn't remember where the fuck she left it. During her first (and only) semester of college, she forgot one of the classes she enrolled in, and didn't remember until she got her final grade (spoiler alert: it was an incomplete). For one incredibly awkward month, she couldn't remember either of her parents' names, and had to sneak into their house and look at their IDs to remember.
Eventually, it was just easier to move across the country and start over again. At least when she forgets that a friend exists now, it's not someone she's known her whole life. Parties are much less awkward when you're not expected to know who anybody is.
![]( "Who are you? Haha no, seriously, I literally can't fucking remember."
* - "non-danaan" is fun to say |