A small RV type home out of the way Chimerical still, clothes and a silver flask keep on person at all times, A pack of rolling papers, and usually a small bag of pot on her personage, a silver zippo with the phrase "Wine, women, and song" engraved on it. Chimerical Shotgun (Dam: 8, Diff:6, Clip: 5+1), as well as a Chimerical Hvy. Revolver (Dam:6,Diff:6,Clip:6)
Passion: Brewing
Inside the Winnebago, it was well, like a really thin small trailer house , from where he was he would be standing in the living/dining room a booth and table where agents the driver side wall, with a flatscreen tv mounted to the cabinet the kitchen had an electric stove/griddle and a small fridge against the passenger side wall, no bar, on the table was the still she owned chimerical in nature, it looked like a decanter set to mortals down the hall is the restroom and bedroom he could see her bed took up the entire bedroom, and that meant the space across the bedroom was her closet, he could also tell she didn't make her bed
Birthrights Gift of Pan — When a satyr thoroughly indulges herself in one of her passions — often sexual, but also artistic and creative — those around her are also caught up in the frenzy. Fae and mortal alike join her in her dancing and debauchery. The Gift of Pan doesn’t force anyone to partake in sex or any other activity but removes inhibitions that might normally keep someone from indulging. Rather than creating a new passion, the Gift of Pan removes the barriers of social convention that might otherwise prevent someone from being able to completely surrender to an action of passion or revelry. Those failing a Banality or Willpower roll (difficulty 8) find themselves helpless to resist indulging their secret desires.
Physical Prowess — Satyrs add one dot to their Stamina, even if this raises it above 5. Satyrs can use their powerful goat legs to move with great speed and agility, and thus can never botch an Athletics roll.
Passion’s Curse — A satyr’s intense passion also has a darker side. Prone to mood swings and wild fits of temper, especially while intoxicated, satyrs may exhibit violent emotional outbursts, fall into uncontrolled weeping, or be otherwise unable to rein in their temper. Near-perpetual indulgence also means that satyrs struggle on the rare occasion they must resist temptation, triggering Banality
Nightsight (2pt. Merit) Night blinds many eyes, but not yours. Regardless of the lighting conditions, your eyes adjust automatically, so you can see equally well at high noon, midnight, or entering pitch darkness. The adjustment is instantaneous, so if you are standing in a dark room and someone lights a candle, you’re not blinded.
Sex Appeal (3pt. Merit) You put it down to your looks and charm, but the dark truth is you have a dangerous, and perhaps unconscious, level of control over your pheromones. Your sexiness and sensuality attract lovers to you like moths to a flame. You are the irresistible center of attention at any gathering. All rolls where sexual attraction matters have the difficulty reduced by three. This Merit cannot be used to seduce someone lacking a baseline of sexual attraction to the character.
Master Craftsman (3pt. Merit) When designing, building, or repairing something, the difficulty of your rolls is reduced by two. Additionally, you require three fewer successes on any extended rolls required when working on large or complex projects.
Addiction (1pt. Flaw) You suffer from an addiction to a substance or experience. If the addiction is to something sedative and a fix cannot be obtained, you should roll to avoid triggering a gain of temporary Banality, as the mists of fugue gnaw at you. If the addiction is to something stimulating and a fix cannot be obtained, the Storyteller can choose to give you a point of Nightmare or even an Imbalance. For a one-point Flaw, the addiction must be satiated weekly; for a two-point Flaw, the addiction must be satiated daily; for a three-point Flaw, the addiction must be satiated after an hour of sobriety.