Specialties:Dex (Flexible),Athletics (parkor)
Equipment: Clothes, a prepaid smartphone , and a chimerical belt with pouches of random( but reasonable) things, assortment of firecrackers, and a zippo lighter, and of course a Gameboy with a few games all in her pouch, hand taser, Chimerical collapsible Staff (Str+1), Slingshot (2b) pouch of random ammo
Exp: 1.0
Birthrights Shapechanging — All pooka have an affinity with a particular animal. This is always a natural animal, never a mythological one. This animal affects her appearance and personality, and she is able to shapeshift into the animal at will. If completely alone, a pooka can shapechange for free, but if another changeling or enchanted mortal is present the change costs one Glamour. A pooka can never shift into an animal when being observed by a mundane mortal. Shifting back from animal form is always free and can be done at any time (again, as long as the pooka is unobserved by mortal eyes). Confidante — Even complete strangers often spill their guts to a pooka. This ability of getting people to open up and talk, even about their darkest secrets, is an innate talent common to all pooka. Each has his own way of going about it, but the end result is the same. Some put people off balance with mixed insults and compliments, others rapid fire questions so fast that the target loses track of what is being said, and some are just so darned cute that no one can resist them. Once, during a conversation, a pooka’s player may make an opposed Perception + Empathy (or Subterfuge, player’s choice) roll resisted by the target’s Willpower, to get the answer to a question. The number of successes determines how many questions the pooka can have answered. The target can also spend Willpower to resist this effect; each point of Willpower cancels one of the pooka’s successes.
Frailties Untruths: Perhaps the greatest con the pooka have pulled is making everyone believe that they never tell the truth. Under most circumstances a pooka can speak the truth as long as its mixed with lies, half-truths, and exaggerations. The trouble comes when a pooka is asked a direct question. A pooka who is asked a direct question must answer with a falsehood. If he wishes to answer truthfully the player must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) and spend a point of Willpower.
Merits: Dexterous Toes (2pt. Merit): Anything you can do with hands (firing a gun, drawing, playing a musical instrument, etc.) can be done just as well using your feet. Polite society tends to frown on such behavior, but sluagh and pooka laugh at such prissiness. Perfect Balance (3pt. Merit):Whether through constant training or inherited skill, your sense of balance is akin to that of a circus performer or bird on a wire. It’s very unlikely you’ll ever fall during your life. You may trip, but you’ll always catch yourself before you fully lose your footing or handhold. This Merit functions for such actions as tightrope walking, crossing ice, and climbing mountains. All difficulties involving such feats are reduced by three. Prehensile Tail (4pt. Merit):An additional prehensile limb is a useful, yet potentially disgusting, feature to possess. At two points, your tongue acts as a two-foot (60cm) long limb, capable of grasping and wielding objects. While not the best of weapons, it can be used for a poke in the eye or revolting slap. When the tongue is extended, speech is incomprehensible.In order to use a prehensile tongue successfully, you must roll Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). A success allows full control of the extra limb for the scene. A failure indicates the specific attempt fails; a botch leaves the protruding tongue hanging disgustingly limp down your front. At four points, you possess a tail like a monkey’s. This tail is two feet long (60cm), and can perform simple manual tasks such as pushing buttons and lifting objects with a Strength equal to half the changeling’s rating (rounded up). A prehensile tail can wield a weapon with a Melee rating equal to half the changeling’s rating (rounded up).You may use a prehensile tail with the same dexterous capability as any of your other limbs. Because I Think I Can (6pt. Merit) When you declare you are using a point of Willpower and roll for successes, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without losing the Willpower point. You do not lose the point of Willpower unless you fail your roll. This also prevents you from botching. This Merit may only be used when the difficulty of your roll is 6 or higher.
Flaws: Changeling’s Eyes (1pt. Flaw): Your eyes are a startling color, maybe emerald green, violet, or yellow. This is a sign you are a changeling, recognizable to those who know the ancient lore. Absent-Minded(3pt. Flaw): Though you do not forget such things as Knowledges or Skills, you do forget such things as names, addresses, and the last time you gained Glamour. In order to remember anything more than your own name and the location of your freehold, you need to make a Wits roll or, as a last resort, spend a Willpower point. This Flaw may not be taken with the Merit Concentration. Bizarre Quality (2pt. Flaw): Mortals find something about you disturbingly fascinating. At inappropriate times, mortals stare at you and strike up conversations in the hopes of getting to know you better. Worse still, mortals of less savory natures will choose you over other potential targets for their illicit acts. |