Languages:English* Apache, Spanish, French,Protaguise,Comanche
Specialties:Dex(Creative),Wits (Instinctive),Athletics (Parkor),Subterfuge (Diversions),Stealth (Silent Movement) ,Professional Skill(Archery[Moving Targets]), Academics (History)
Carried Gear:Clothing, a backpack, Bone handle Bowie knife (Str+1, Diff: 4) 2X Chimerical Knives (Str+1, Diff:4) tinted sunglasses, Recurve Longbow of Winter 4 [Sculpt] (5C that produces a frost facsimile arrow when drawn), A few preweighed bags of Pot in 20's, halves, and oz.
Residence/Home/Haven: Eli rents a Mobile home in a trailer park he drives an old beat up Harley he bought off hand, antique single action army colt revolver (Not always carried on person but usually in the saddle bag of his bike or on a screw ageist a wall of his place
Birthrights Shapechanging — All pooka have an affinity with a particular animal. This is always a natural animal, never a mythological one. This animal affects her appearance and personality, and she is able to shapeshift into the animal at will. If completely alone, a pooka can shapechange for free, but if another changeling or enchanted mortal is present the change costs one Glamour. A pooka can never shift into an animal when being observed by a mundane mortal. Shifting back from animal form is always free and can be done at any time (again, as long as the pooka is unobserved by mortal eyes). Confidante — Even complete strangers often spill their guts to a pooka. This ability of getting people to open up and talk, even about their darkest secrets, is an innate talent common to all pooka. Each has his own way of going about it, but the end result is the same. Some put people off balance with mixed insults and compliments, others rapid fire questions so fast that the target loses track of what is being said, and some are just so darned cute that no one can resist them. Once, during a conversation, a pooka’s player may make an opposed Perception + Empathy (or Subterfuge, player’s choice) roll resisted by the target’s Willpower, to get the answer to a question. The number of successes determines how many questions the pooka can have answered. The target can also spend Willpower to resist this effect; each point of Willpower cancels one of the pooka’s successes.
Frailties Untruths: Perhaps the greatest con the pooka have pulled is making everyone believe that they never tell the truth. Under most circumstances a pooka can speak the truth as long as its mixed with lies, half-truths, and exaggerations. The trouble comes when a pooka is asked a direct question. A pooka who is asked a direct question must answer with a falsehood. If he wishes to answer truthfully the player must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) and spend a point of Willpower.
Merits: Faerie Eternity (1pt. Merit) After you went through your Chrysalis, you had a birthday, and then another, and then another. Strangely, however — you didn’t seem to be growing or getting older. You’re touched with a vestige of the immortality that was the birthright of all fae. As long as your fae seeming is active, you will age at one-tenth that of a normal human or changeling and remain a childling. Should your fae seeming be permanently destroyed, or
Winged (4pt. Merit) You have beautiful wings, be they feathered bird’s wings, bat wings or colored butterfly wings. They are chimerical, but they need to be free, or they increase the difficulty of Dexterity rolls by one. You may have to explain why you have cut slits in all of your coats. If you have taken this as a Flaw, you are not able to fly. If you have taken this as a Merit, you may indeed fly for short periods of time. See Inanimate Chimera on p. 55 for dangers using these wings in human sight.
Good Listener (1pt. Merit) Pooka excel at the ability to get others to open up to them; however, you are a master confidant. A word here, a gesture there, you crack people open like oysters and harvest their secrets like pearls. Your ability to listen makes others tell you their feelings, concerns, and hidden dreams. They don’t know why they’re telling you, but they usually feel better afterwards. All rolls related to obtaining information from others are at a –2 difficulty.
Because I Think I Can (6pt. Merit) When you declare you are using a point of Willpower and roll for successes, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without losing the Willpower point. You do not lose the point of Willpower unless you fail your roll. This also prevents you from botching. This Merit may only be used when the difficulty of your roll is 6 or higher.
Flaws: Impatient (1pt. Flaw) Action always trumps inaction, and standing around is for grumps. Once per story, if you’re forced to wait around instead of acting, make a Willpower roll (difficulty 5). Failure makes you repeatedly insist on action, to the likely annoyance of your motley. If they do not follow your advice, you likely act no matter their attempts to stop you.
Curiosity (2pt. Flaw) You’re a naturally curious person, your curiosity easily overriding your common sense. To resist temptation, make a Willpower roll. The difficult varies based on the temptation; difficulty 5 for simple things like, “I wonder what’s in the armoire,” but difficulty 9 for things like, “I wonder why young men keep going missing around the baron’s freehold. I’ll just slip in and check it out.”
Changeling’s Eyes (1pt. Flaw) Your eyes are a startling color, maybe emerald green, violet, or yellow. This is a sign you are a changeling, recognizable to those who know the ancient lore.