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Viewing Magdelaine Chevalier

Character Type: Classic World of Darkness
Name: Magdelaine Chevalier
Gender: Female
Apparent Age: 23
Actual Age: 23
Character Type: Mage
Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Legacies: Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: House: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Demeanor: Loner
Clan: Tribe: Tribe/Type: Tradition: Society: Kith: Primary Virtue: House: Guild: Auspice: Hollow Ones
Essence: Numina: Generation: Breed:
Former Tribe:
Seeming: Starting Conviction: Faction: Faction: Breed:
Dynamic Dynamic     Sire:     Auspice:     Auspice: Former Tribe: 1
Concept: Artistic

  Lightning sizzled across the sky, thunder boomed and rumbled it's ominous warning, and a fell wind blew across the city of Galeon, NY on one stormy gray afternoon.
Black coils, dark and sinister, moved to ensnare the unsuspecting kithain that lived there.  Preceding the storm, was a lone lost soul who blew into town like an autumn leaf on a chill breeze. Her name, if anyone bothered to ask, was "Delaine" or "Del". She had no friends to speak of, and to all outward appearances the sad loner would much rather be just that, Alone. Delaine had a secret, and  the further away one kept others the easier that secret was to keep from most people: people who would never understand.

Born Magdelaine Chevalier, October the 31st, In Detroit Michigan to Siobhan Delaney and Julian Chevalier, the younger of two  children. Here is a woman who has had an interesting, but hard life, her past painted in somber hues with a few splashes of bright color. Magdelaine's life has been a series of a year and a day events that has very much shaped her into the young woman that she is today.

She started her life out with two parents who seemingly loved her. Her satyr father loved her the best of all. Delaine was his girl, and he lavished affection on his daughter encouraging  her interests in art and music. her mother influenced her interest in occult and magick. Delaine's mother was a mage, and some family histories suggested that she too had some fae heritage. Was this what had attracted Julian to Siobhan? Magdelaine would never know.

Her Mother fell into madness when Delaine was 6. Delaine was just old enough to remember all of the fighting, screaming, and the disappearanced that happened around her mother.  She  remembered her  father's dispair at the loss of Siobhan's Passion, mind, and compassion.  She remembered her father's confrontation of her mother, and the painful and withering curse that her mother set upon her father. Delaine's father lingered like that for a year and a single day, then he died, and with him so did Delaine's  hope for the future.

After the death of her father Delaine had to grow up fast. Her homelife was a shitshow, and she had to learn quickly to keep her silence in the face of her mother's rage and perversions. Still, her silence it didn't keep her safe, especially not after Delaine awakened to the understanding of the world and magick at the age of ten. Siobhan tried corrupting Delaine's avatar, little did she realize that the fallen angel, the very spirit of rebellion, would not bow to such a lowly creature.

Siobhan vowed to turn or kill her daughter, the plans were set, but not all was to go to Siobhan's plans. Delaine was gifted with the sight (oracular ability) while it came unbidden, it saved her life. She saw what her mother planned to do to her. Delaine fled her mother's home to avoid becoming yet another of Siobhan's victims. She fled right into the open arms of a pretty goth girl, and Hollower, Abigail Lynch, who recognized the 10 year old's talents, and knew that she was in trouble.

In the year and day that followed Abigail took Delaine to teach and to give her a place to live, even if it was only a ratty hole in the wall with some street cred. Abigail taught Delaine to enhance and control the sight through Entropy, though sometimes it still came to the young mage without warning. When the sight came unbidden Magdelaine felt it was important to draw what she saw, she was an artist after all. (Media: Draw, oil paint, water colors, coal, Spray paint) Though, her true passion remained music (enchanting voice)(Voice of the Nightengale).

Nothing that Abigail had taught Delaine could have prepared her for what happened next. It was through her art and music that Delaine's mother had found her again, the girl had a year and a day of peace and learning. by her mother's thinking it was time for the child to take her place among the nephandus or die in her refusal.

However, Siobhan wasn't the only one to notice the kinain, coveting her and her talents for his own ends. On the night that her mother came to claim Delaine there was a terrible battle mage against mage, Abigail vs Siobhan, Siobhan won and Abigail was dead. However a black shadow emerged to destroy the Nephandus. A knife in the back worked just as well against a mage as any magick, afterwich the man with his inky black skin beheaded the Nephandus. He turned then to the scared and traumatized 12 year old girl:

"What is your name, my precious  darkling flower?" he'd asked of her
"Magdelaine Chevalier" She answered. From then on he had her by her true name. There is power in one's true name, Magdelaine learned this too little, too late.

From then on never has her truename passed her lips.



The Black Serpent King

Magdealine had been saved from one terrible fate, and thrust in to one that was much darker, there were things that were so much worse than death. With another purpose in mind for the young Magdelaine, Hadrian Santos, The Black Serpent King, intended on using the girl for the powers that were hers. Delaine, however, wouldn't know about his intentions until much later.

At first her benefactor was all smooth charm: beautiful and charismatic. He showered her with his generosity; Dressed her in the finest of fashions that were of her desire; he gave her a home that was beyond her wildest imagining;he made sure she had food in her belly; he encouraged the expansion of her abilities, and when the time came he revealed who he was. Hadrian Santos was the Black Serpent King, one of the shining host, the fair of house Balor. Anyone who had celtic ancestry and knew their cultural legends knew who Balor was. Balor was a powerful leader of the Formorians; a dark and demonic race that were the terrible oppressors of the Tuatha De Danann. He was killed by his grandson Lugh at the Battle of Moytura, which had been prophesised. Balor had a fae house named after himself. was it just a coincidence, or an sinister omen?

Once, only after young Magdelaine was happy and shining, enchanted with her savior, did the Black Serpent King finally strike at Magdelaine. The Black Serpent King bound her into oaths to himself. -He- would never -harm- her. he would make sure that all the childs needs were met. He would help her grow, he would be her father, and she would always have a place to live and clothes on her back.
She would be cared for and loved (as much as his black heart could love anyone).  The conditions for all of this was her service to him: her powers used to his purposes. she could never speak of him to others unless instructed. she may never lie to him. she must come home every night, and tell him what she saw that day of changeling movements or life in general.

The only way she could ever be free of the Black serpent kings oaths is if she dies or found someone who truely loved her. it all seemed harmless and straight forward enough. Delaine, at that age, was trusting of Hadrian and blind to what he truely was, and so she happily agreed, and In his arrogance he forgot to bind her from action against him.

Only now  does Hadrian delight in reminding Magdelaine that no one will ever love her like he does. She has known for a long time now that she would die in his service.

After Magdelaine was Bound in oaths to Hadrian his true colors began to show. He was a monster who forced her, through applications of sovereign, to used her talent with art and music and her abilities in magick to to drive his enemies and rivals mad. He forced her to spy for him with the sight that was her to command. He had changeling, enchanted, and dreamer alike enslaved or murdered before her eyes. Hate grew in Magdelaine's heart and mind, and naturally she began to rebel. When she started to refuse Hadrian's demands, for all of the reasons above, The Black Serpent King would have her hurt. or tore her down verbally himself, his words hurt the worst for they were all true.  

Magdelaine wanted out, but it was far too late for that! She was bound to him in hate and shame.

The Guilded Cage




Now that Magdelain is in Galeon she has taken a job at an occult shop readiing tarot for the shop's customers or stocking shelves between readings. 
She wants desparately to be able to do for herself.
She can be found in art and music stores, or on the streets illegally spray painting murals upon city walls. The cops call it vandalism, she calls it art.
Dive bars that have an open mic night? she's there! Her voice makes even the fair weep for it's beauty, and her fingers over strings are no less talented!
On a lonely park bench or at bus stop, people watching? she can found  in these places as well.
Sampling all the foods that Hadrian would consider beneath them from small restaurants and food trucks? Definitely!
During the Magdelaine does every thing that she can to stay away from "home".
In those hours of relative peace she dares to dream of one that would truely love all that that she is, and free her from the black serpent's coils.




Physical   Social   Mental
Strength   Charisma   Perception
Dexterity   Manipulation   Intelligence
Stamina   Appearance   Wits


Talents   Skills   Knowledges
Alertness   Animal Ken   Academics
Athletics   Crafts   Computer
Awareness   Drive   Cosmology
Brawl   Etiquette   Enigmas
Dodge   Firearms   Investigation
Expression   Meditation   Law
Empathy   Melee   Linguistics
Intimidation   Performance   Medicine
Leadership   Stealth   Occult
Streetwise   Survival   Science
Subterfuge   Technology      




Fae Blood


Voice of the Songbird
Parlor Trick
Eidetic Memory
Oraccular Ability


Oathbound 3
Enemy 4
Derangement: Depression

Secondary Traits

Humanity / Path



Blood Pool


Secondary Traits






Secondary Traits






Secondary Traits


Correspondence: Life: Prime:
Entropy: Mind: Spirit:
Forces: Matter: Time:





Secondary Traits





Secondary Traits







Secondary Traits

Secondary Traits





Secondary Traits


First Renown
Second Renown
Third Renown





Secondary Traits




Secondary Traits




Equipment and Other Notes

App Spec: Bewitching
Int Spec: Creative

Foci: "By the Pricking of my Thumbs"

FB 15
-4 Arete 2
-1 resources 2
-1 library 2
-1 Arcane 2
-1 Fae blood 3
-3 Avatar 5
-2 Occult 2
-2 Esoterica 2

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