Age:19 Gender:Female Occupation:Student/TikToker Major:Lit/Theater Video Topics:Makeup/Cosplay Hair Color:Red (natural)
Blue/Pink/Blonde/Black (dyed)
Eye Color:Green-Blue Height:5’ 0” Weight:90lb
A Rose By Any Other Name...
So, you want to get to know me? I guess that’s fair…
Well then, who am I? No, seriously who am I? Cause there are times, I sure as heck don’t feel I really know the answer to that. The school therapist, actually was a really good therapist, mentioned something about intersectionality to me once. Had to do with how we identify ourselves and how those parts of ourselves intersect – and, I guess, how there is sometimes conflict between them.
Crud, that’s no good. Let’s start from the top. Hi everyone! My name is Rose. Rose Endsley and I am 19-years-old.
Home Is Where The Heart
Is So where do we begin? I am from some town you never heard of and don’t care about. Really does it matter? Fine… I am from a place called Franklin. Oh, you’ve heard of Franklin? Which one? It’s kind of like Baskin Robbins; there’re 31 flavors of Franklin in the US alone.
And where am I now? Well… I’m not about to dox myself. But suffice to say I am in a place bigger than Franklin and there is a college here, which I am attending. And yes, a 19-year-old just said ‘suffice’ get over it.
So, my family is not the most well off – good thing I learned to thrift and sew when I was young, or trust me I’d be threadbare and in stitches right now. They taught me to be frugal with my money (haha – student loans are going to hurt…). And they taught me how Jesus save my immoral soul. Oh wait, sorry I meant immortal.
Right, if you couldn’t hear that verbal eye role let me be clear. I’m no Jesus freak. God, okay let’s ignore that pun, I’m not even sure I believe in god. But I grew up in a very religious household. I do not attend church. I do not pray. But, some folks tell me that I do have a certain morality about me about some stuff… No idea what they mean by that.
Kissing & Telling (kind of like show and tell... NO!)
What do you mean sort of experience do I have? I am a student, who does makeup tutorials on social media. Not sure that counts as work experience, unless you count my student employment stuff.
Oh! I am sorry I misunderstood. Wait! You meant what? You nasty.
A lady never kisses and tells. Didn’t your mama ever teach you that?
Well, let me just put it this way – I am single and I do not do one night stands. (I need at least two, one for each side of the bed. Okay, I know I know… I will show myself out).
Right, so I guess this is really my moment to be honest though. You know, given that I am no longer under my parents roofs (at least, during term!) I had some moments where I doubted myself. Like, there was this girl in my freshman comp class… and the guy down the hall’s girlfriend… who were just so perfectly beautiful it hurt. I once dreamed I was kissing that girlfriend…
So small update... And just in time for pride! I kind of realized why I had that dream. A few drinks and a few long honest discussions (and other details that don't matter) and I've finally been able to admit to myself, I like men AND women. Still working out what this means for me and how I want to live life but hey, I'm 19. I got a few years left before the real world decides to... Just look up the saying BOHICA.
Oh! I do have a tinder profile. Never gone on a date from it. Guys are weird on it. Very weird... good laughs though.
A Closing Thought
So, what was my big act of teenage rebellion? Getting my lobes stretched. Oh and then secretly dying my hair when I got college. And cosplaying… and well my social media stuff. I’m pretty sure my parents would not be exactly thrilled by all of this.
But hey, as long as I don’t end up pregnant they’ll be happy. Guess what my April’s Fool Joke is gonna be. No, not really. I am not that cruel but it would be funny.
Okay, let's do the random facts!
• Likes: anime, video games, confident but not arrogant people, COFFEE!, dancing (I'm not very good at it), sleeping in, blankets • Dislikes: Hang overs, getting up early, arrogant people, loud noises (outside of going to dance parties), drug use, overly religious people
• What am I most confident about? My ability with make-up! • What am I most insecure about? My tooth gap